Last updated: April 15, 2021

  1. Unless you cancel before the end of your subscription period or the free trial (if any), you will be automatically billed for the chosen subscription at the end of the trial period.
  2. Payment will be charged at confirmation of purchase using the payment method you selected in your Huawei In-App Purchases. Learn more about accepted payment methods here.
  3. Subscriptions are automatically charged each subscription billing period (either weekly, monthly, annually, or with another frequency if applicable), and you may be charged no more than 24 hours before the beginning of the next billing period. A subscription that is offered on a lifetime unlimited basis is a one-off purchase that is final, non-refundable, and cannot be canceled.
  4. You can cancel a free trial (if any) or a subscription (except for a lifetime unlimited subscription) anytime via Huawei App Gallery. To cancel, open Huawei AppGallery and follow the path: Settings > Account center > Payment and purchases > Subscriptions/Password-free payments. If you are unsure how to cancel a subscription, please visit the Huawei AppGallery support.
  5. To avoid being charged, cancel the subscription via Huawei App Gallery (as described in paragraph 4 above) before the end of the trial or the current subscription billing period, and the cancellation will apply to the next period. When you cancel a subscription you will not receive a refund for the current billing period, but will still be able to use your subscription for the time you have already paid.
  6. If you purchased a subscription through Huawei App Gallery and are eligible for a refund, please follow the refund instructions provided by Huawei. We, as the App Developer, do not provide refunds or facilitate chargebacks for payments made on Huawei App Gallery via Huawei In-App Purchases.